Homebrew club newsletter

I’m late today, so I’ll just tell you about how the homebrew club newsletter I mentioned last week
turned out.

You can see it on the club site.

I’ve done quite a number of these newsletters before, but I’m a lot more
fluent now in some of the relevant LaTeX, like boxes
to associate a picture with its caption. (The LaTeX built-in
figure capability is designed for a book or serious article, not
for an informal newsletter.)

It’s still a bit of a pain using Latex, instead of a program
designed for that kind of publishing, but I’m so used to the way
to do things in LaTeX, and how good the results look, that I just
do without putting several articles on the front page and flowing
the continuations onto later pages, and such features.

If there’s interest, I could upload the source so that people
could see how you do such a thing. For now, just email me if you
want it.

The major energy drain doing this was that the club isn’t any
longer used to having a newsletter come out, so a lot of the
resources I needed weren’t on the web site, or hadn’t been used,
so they had problems. For instance:

  • The new logo adopted last month wasn’t yet on the site.
  • The link to the archive of beer-related images hadn’t been
    checked since the website redesign a year or so ago.
  • The list of officers wasn’t current.

Unfortunately I ended up doing most of the work over the
weekend, when a lot of the people who could have helped with these
problems weren’t available by email. And when they returned on
Monday, it wasn’t clear that some of the newer officers really
realized that they needed to support the editor of the
newsletter. So I ended up pretty crabby
by the time I got the masthead edited to as good a state as I
could get it into.

But I think it turned out pretty well, considering. Some of
the people on the informal newsletter committee whom I asked to
help proofread said good things about how it looked. No real
feedback from the membership yet.

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